School Counselors, teachers and parents are welcomed to read, follow, post and learn.
See discussion questions about our current selection posted below.
Book Club UnSelfie March 2018 by jenkinsbeth on Scribd - Meeting location will be the front conference room NOT the media center.
UNSELFIE Let's Read a book Together!
Teachers, Parents, School Counselors and community members are invited to participate. Read the chapters and respond to the questions in the comments section below. Start your comment with the question number (i.e. 2.1). Comments will be moderated.
Week of 1-29
Read Chapters one and two and respond in comments below to the weekly discussion questions (link to source):
Week of 2-12 - 1.1 One study found that 62 percent of kids said their parents were too plugged in (page 10). How would your kids describe your digital habits? How can parents set a better example for their kids?
- 1.2 Why was Mary Gordon’s Roots of Empathy approach (page 3) successful in increasing children’s empathy? What are real, meaningful ways to help your child experience empathy?
- 2.1 Why do “two-thirds of adolescents rank their own personal happiness as more important than their goodness?” (pg 27). What are you doing to help your child recognize the value of caring?
- 2.2 How we praise helps kids define the type of people they believe themselves to be. Wrong praise can increase narcissism. How might you use the science-backed strategies (pg 33)?
Read Chapter three and respond to discussion questions
- 3.1 Do you agree (page 49): "Children's empathy is sparked by active face to face interactions not by lectures'? Can you recall a lesson or activity that helped you understand another's perspective? If so, why was it memorable? How can you provide such experiences for your child?
- 3.2 Which age by age strategy would you consider using or adapting (pg 65-70) to expand your child/students' perspective taking abilities? What other strategies might you consider?
Week of 2-19
Read Chapter four and respond to discussion questions:
- 4.1 Posing the right questions can help kids vicariously step into someone else’s place. What strategies (pg 80) might help your child see the world from other perspectives?
- 4.2 Which age-by-age strategy (or others) intrigued your interest (pg 88-91)?
Week of 2-26
Read Chapter five and respond to discussion questions:
- 5.1 Research says that self-control is a better predictor of adult wealth, health and happiness than grades or IQ? Do you agree? If so, why?
- 5.2 UnSelfie describes approaches that nurture children’s self-regulation (like stress-management, yoga, meditation, mindfulness). Did any interest you?
Week of 3-5
Read Chapter six and respond to discussion questions:
- 6.1 Do you agree that kindness can be stretched like a muscle? Why do many parents think that kindness is a fixed trait? How can you help your child practice kindness (such as on pg 129-135)?
- 6.2 Were you surprised by the findings on random acts of kindness studies with children (pg 127)? How could you apply Sonja Lyubomirsky’s findings with your family?
Week of 3-12
Read Chapter seven and respond to discussion questions:
- 7.1 How has the decline of unstructured play affected childhood? How much free time does your child have to learn collaborative skills?
- 7.2 We empathize with those “like us.” How can you expand your child’s Circle of Concern (pg 150)?
Week of 3-26
Read Chapter eight and respond to discussion questions:
- 8.1 The story of Rocky Lyon (pg 178) describes how a parent helped her child find his inner hero. How are you helping your child develop moral courage?
- 8.2 Kids need heroes to inspire their Moral Courage. Who are your child’s heroes?
Week of 4-2
Read Chapter nine and respond to discussion questions:
- 9.1 Does your child (or you) believe that empathy is something you’re born with or something that can be developed? How can you use the steps (pg 201-202) to teach your child that empathy stretches?
- 9.2 How could you stretch your child’s comfort zone to include “different” experiences (pg 212)?
Summer 2017 Book - Helping Children Succeed
Join in reading Paul Tough's latest book:
Please post comments, thoughts or questions below. The posts are moderated so it may take a day or so for the post to be visible. Please share your thoughts and how you might use the information with your students.
We will hold to the following slow paced, summer schedule:
→Read Chapter One (~48 pages) during the week of June 12.
→Read Chapter Two (~56 pages) during the week of June 26.
→Read Chapter Three (~43 pages) during the week of July 10.
→Read Chapter Four (~28 pages) during the week of July 24.
→Read Chapter Five (~23 pages) during the week of August 7.
When you finish this book, you may also want to read the prior book by Paul Tough, How Children Succeed. It's summer, you'll have lots of time to read both. :-)
APRIL 2017 Book Club

Get the book here: How We Learn the Surprising Truth About When Where and Why it Happens
We will hold to the following schedule:
- Part One: Basic Theory
- Read during April 1-7
- ~38 pages
- QUESTIONS: How is the brain like a muscle? What do you think about the idea that we need to forget to learn?
- Part Two: Retention
- Read during April 9-14
- ~58 pages
- QUESTIONS: What do you think about having music or allowing headphones in the classroom to increase retention? When considering distributed learning, how could we get student buy in and facilitate an understanding of breaking up study time to increase retention and recall?
- Part Three: Problem Solving
- Read During April 16-21
- ~64 pages
- QUESTIONS: Did you notice any unique words in this section? How do you incubate, or percolate, or use interleaving when you are learning? How can we use these ideas with students?
- Part Four: Tapping the Subconscious
- Read during April 23-28
- ~47 pages
- QUESTIONS: Can you think of uses for perceptual learning in classrooms? Sleep improves retention and comprehension. How can we convince students that this is true to increase their motivation when they struggle and to get them to sleep more hours each night?
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